Quick Navigation Header Provides Quick Navigation
Have you noticed the new navigation bar at the top of the site? At the top of any Kotogoto site, that is! I added it to provide a quick way of jumping between the various sites. Before, the individual sites could be reached via the splash screen or the “Other Kotogoto Sites” list on the right side of the blog index, which was kind of messy. Now, wherever you are on Kotogoto, you will always find your way to the other sites. Neat, eh? Implementation was kind of tricky actually, as I had to consider the distinctive structures of the sites, like the light and dark site themes at Daily, the scalable background in this site and the Wordpress template of On Architecture. However, I was able to develop a solution that works in all sites. I tested it in Firefox and IE and it works fine, but if you see some quirks, make sure to throw them my way.
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